About Us

The U.S. Census taken in Two Thousand Twenty showed the demographics in America as follows: European White made up about Sixty-One percent of the American population. However, since the mid Nineteen Hundreds the Foundational Born Europeans, the Anglo’s, the Saxons, and Nordic population,  who were the first colonies in North America, have consistently been replaced by those from the Baltic regions of Europe such as Albania, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, and Turkey.via Ellis Island.

Those of Hispanic and Latina ethnicity include (our Mexico neighbors, Central American and South American regions) make up Eighteen-Percent of the population. However, in many Southwestern and Northeastern States that population increases to approximately Twenty-Five percent. Demographers calculate that nearly Three Quarters of this demographic are undocumented. Meaning they have entered the borders, or remain within the borders unlawfully. The oddity of these numbers are in contrast to the U.S. Census in Nineteen Sixty showing this population was less than Three percent. You can discuss the explosion in only sixty plus years as contributing to the theory “The Browning of America”.

Asian migration, including countries in East Asia, Southern India, Guam and other Pacific Islanders make up nearly Seven-Percent of the American population They do not represent a definitive racial category, but a group made up of several ethnicities and roots as described above. Because of the high income earnings and educational dominance they are described by some as “America’s Model Immigrants”. Demographers estimate that this group is the second fastest growing population behind the Hispanic and Latino population.

Black Americans and African Americans make up about Fourteen-Percent of the population. However when broken down,.only Eleven-Percent are what is defined as Foundational Born Black Americans, or the Descendants of Freeman as categorized by Congress in the Eight-Hundreds after the Civil War.

So what is a Freemans? They were the bondsmen, bonds-women, bond-children, then soldiers who were drafted in every campaign beginning with the Revolutionary, to the American Indian war that gave birth to the Buffalo Soldiers, to the Mexican American war, to the Spanish American war where the Buffalo soldiers were sent to San Juan Bautista (Puerto Rico today) to rescue the army’s elite Rough Riders when they surrounded, or the soldiers who fought on both sides for their freedom in the Civil War, or the Seven-Sixty First Tank Battalion who were personally called upon by General Patton, who eventually rescued Holocaust Survivors from the Gunskirchen and the Mauthausen concentration camp near Austria, or the 332nd Air Battalion of the Tuskegee Ace who never met a German Luftwaffe that they did not shoot out of the sky, or the only gunner on a Destroyer to shoot down four elite Japanese Naka-Jima Kite Bomber as they attack Pearl Harbor, to the sponsors of Executive Order 9981 which was drafted after the Korean War in 1951. This Executive Order ended Segregation Battalions in the U.S. Military.

Prior to 1951 Black American GI’s were drafted to fight on the battlefields but in segregated or separated battalions. They could fight alongside the general army. Executive Order 9981 put an end to that practice. They are sixteen generations strong and counting U.S. Americans. 

It was Moses who said to his people “you were chosen to be a peculiar people” in the Torah. So were the Freeman and their descendants surviving the first Two-Hundred and Forty years of legal chattel to the peculiar people described in Deuteronomy. Foundational Born Black Americans are defined by our planetary history forging the birth of a new nation, our memorial to that nation, our birthrights in that nation, and our lineage. You cannot immigrate your way, you cannot anchor-baby your way, you cannot tether your way, you cannot cosplay your way, nor can you HBCU your way. It is based on Heritage…not Melanin. 

  The remaining Three percent are migrants from the Caribbean Islands, and those from the African Continent. Demographers estimate that this Three percent will rapidly over populate the Freeman’s with uncensored speed.

I listened to one Historian and Statitisioner lecture that, currently there are more Jamaican citizens residing in the States than those residing on the island of Jamaica.Keep in mind that Jamaica is not a U.S.Territory. Instead, Jamaica is a British Territory. He went on to say that, in the pass thirty plus years, the African migration into North America has outnumber that of the Atlantic Slave trade. The Lecturer then suggested that the newly American Migrant of today hold close allegiance to their country of origin as they become dual citizens.

The United States of America is not yet five hundred years old. As one Holy Book says, “every nation has a term. When their term comes, they cannot put it off an hour, nor can they bring it before it’s time” (sura 10 and 49, Jonah).